Snass Sessions
Snass Sessions are virtual realtime Chinook Wawa study sessions named after a dedicated participant Rein Stamm. Rein’s commitment to these online learning sessions established SNASS session as a weekly interactive learning event.
Eventually the group was able to bring in a consulting linguist David Douglas “Chinook Man” Robertson PhD as an expert to help direct their studies.
In mid-2020, the study sessions were recorded as videos as it became clear that they would be of value to other Chinook Wawa students and researchers. Videos are available here.
Do you want to learn Chinook Jargon and the Chinook Pepa writing system? Everybody, from total beginner to expert, is welcome in our weekly “Snass” Sessions!
We meet virtually on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM, Pacific Time. All you have to do is email Dave Robertson
Nesaika chako-kumtuks kanamokwst! (We’re learning together!)